

Know more about

Tomas Buitrago

“A few years ago, I decided to found TBA – Digital Solutions with a clear goal in mind: to make website development transparent, accessible and high-quality for everyone.

My mission is to make it easy for every business to take the next step towards digitalization in an honest and well-executed way. The idea of creating this agency came from a personal experience. In the past, I’ve hired a web developer for a project, and unfortunately, that experience was marked by a lack of transparency and concern for our online identity. This negative situation became my motivation to establish an agency where transparency and honesty were paramount.

Since then, I have become passionate about guiding my clients through the entire process, making sure there are no unpleasant surprises and that each project is carried out collaboratively and reliably.”

Get to know our


  • Commitment to Excellence

    We believe that every project deserves to be executed with the utmost excellence. The constant pursuit of perfection and continuous improvement drives us to exceed expectations.

  • Transparency at all times

    We are committed to being open and honest at every stage of the process, thus building a relationship of trust with our clients.

  • Accessibility for all

    We strive to make our services accessible to businesses of all sizes, ensuring that every customer has the opportunity to make the leap into the digital world.

  • Meaningful Collaboration

    We work hand-in-hand with our clients, understanding their needs and providing customized solutions that drive their success.

  • Customer-centric service

    We strive to understand your goals and challenges, tailoring our solutions to provide a personalized and satisfying experience.



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